
Other "Bob" solutions.
module Bob (responseFor) where

import qualified Data.Char as C
import qualified Data.List as L

responseFor :: String -> String
responseFor str
  | question && yelling = "Calm down, I know what I'm doing!"
  | silent = "Fine. Be that way!"
  | question = "Sure."
  | yelling = "Whoa, chill out!"
  | otherwise = "Whatever."
    trim = L.dropWhileEnd C.isSpace . L.dropWhile C.isSpace
    sanitized = trim str
    alphas = filter C.isAlpha $ sanitized
    silent = null $ sanitized
    question = not silent && last sanitized == '?'
    speaking = not silent && not (null alphas)
    yelling = speaking && all C.isUpper alphas

Collatz Conjecture

Other "Collatz Conjecture" solutions.
module CollatzConjecture (collatz) where

collatz' :: Integer -> Integer
collatz' 1 = 0
collatz' n =
  let next = if even n then quot n 2 else 3 * n + 1
   in succ $ collatz' next

collatz :: Integer -> Maybe Integer
collatz n
  | n <= 0 = Nothing
  | otherwise = Just $ collatz' n

Hello World

Other "Hello World" solutions.
module HelloWorld
  ( hello
  ) where

hello :: String
hello = "Hello, World!"


Other "Leap" solutions.
module LeapYear
  ( isLeapYear
  ) where

bind :: (b -> b -> b) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> a -> b
bind f a b x = f (a x) (b x)

infixl 5 &&$

(&&$) :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> Bool) -> a -> Bool
(&&$) = bind (&&)

infixl 5 ||$

(||$) :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> Bool) -> a -> Bool
(||$) = bind (||)

isLeapYear :: Integer -> Bool
isLeapYear = isDivisibleBy 400 ||$ (isDivisibleBy 4 &&$ not . isDivisibleBy 100)
    isDivisibleBy = (\divisor x -> mod x divisor == 0)


Other "Pangram" solutions.
module Pangram
  ( isPangram
  ) where

import qualified Data.Char as Char
import           Data.List

isPangram :: String -> Bool
isPangram = null . (['a' .. 'z'] \\) . map Char.toLower

Rna Transcription

Other "Rna Transcription" solutions.
module DNA (toRNA) where

import qualified Data.Map as M

translation :: M.Map Char Char
translation =
    [ ('G', 'C'),
      ('C', 'G'),
      ('T', 'A'),
      ('A', 'U')

toRNA :: String -> Either Char String
toRNA =
  mapM translate
    translate dna = case M.lookup dna translation of
      Just rna -> Right rna
      Nothing -> Left dna

Space Age

Other "Space Age" solutions.
module SpaceAge
  ( Planet(..)
  , ageOn
  ) where

data Planet
  = Mercury
  | Venus
  | Earth
  | Mars
  | Jupiter
  | Saturn
  | Uranus
  | Neptune

earthAgeSeconds :: Float
earthAgeSeconds = 31557600

relativeOrbit :: Planet -> Float
relativeOrbit planet =
  case planet of
    Mercury -> 0.2408467
    Venus   -> 0.61519726
    Earth   -> 1.0
    Mars    -> 1.8808158
    Jupiter -> 11.862615
    Saturn  -> 29.447498
    Uranus  -> 84.016846
    Neptune -> 164.79132

ageOn :: Planet -> Float -> Float
ageOn planet seconds = seconds / earthAgeSeconds / relativeOrbit planet